Monday, October 15, 2012


If you are in insurance business or if you love films in general, then it's a must watch. 

Now this is a film that is based on insurance and how an insurance clause of "Double Indemnity" can be used for getting someone killed.  Billy Wilder unveils his genius again by keeping it believable and yet so emphatically thrilling till the last minute. We know well in the beginning that it's about murder. 20 minutes in the film, we also know that is the murder of a man, whom the wife is cheating on. 

Now, this turns on into somewhat unexpected as the plan goes a bit berserk with the protagonist unable to understand the woman's character. He thought both are in for it, but actually he is being used by the woman. So someone is killed and someone has to be the culprit, now who is it and how is it all done. 

It's all point blank and detailed to the extent of planning a murder in a very detailed manner, until its blown up. How did Billy Wilder make all of this and from a story of James Cain is just extremely poignant. It's so very relevant even today, that so many people are conspiring against each other, there are suicides and murders more than ever before and all for money, damn.

Now, coming to movie it's great in terms of characters, screenplay and the lighting and production design. Acting is top notch as is always in most of Billy Wilder's movies. And above all, we have the captain Billy who is responsible for the way this film was made and he must be applauded in every sense. Just look at that scene in the beginning where Neff interprets the intentions of Phyliis is where you understand that everything is right in this film. From lighting to dialogues, all of them have added in creating the atmosphere that is for sure thrilling and suspense.

This is noir film and has an open ending with us leaving to think what could have happened to Walter Neff. It's 4/5 for a film that's a must see. Just love Billy Wilder more and more as I keep getting back to his films.

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