Monday, June 24, 2013


To live is the rarest thing of all, most people exist that is all.

Some friendships start strangely and get stronger as time goes by thats the case of Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan. They both together make a difference and prove again that school drop outs need not worry, there is a great life ahead only if you live. Now, this is a PIXAR film as many other PIXAR films this was made with a bottom line. The bottom line is even though you give your best, work the hardest, you may still fail and heroes are those who cope with failure. Mike Wozawski the monster was supposed to be scary and after trying too hard, he turns out to be still funny. Yet, he does so many things that makes him a fine monster. 

Now, PIXAR's earlier two films CARS 2 and BRAVE were not seen by me coz I did not like the trailer. The last PIXAR film I saw was UP and I was so happy till then. Monsters University is not in the league of UP or the earlier PIXAR films, yet is so nice and happening. The last 15 minutes is the actual PIXAR quality while the remaining is just 85 minutes is a comforting animated film. 

The last 15 minutes has lines like "You are not scary, you are fearless" or "Don't try to be a Sullivan, just try to be you" are the ones that elevate this to a PIXAR level. 

The animation quality is top notch but this need not necessarily be a 3D as it did not justify the technology much. The departments of art, cinematography, animation design have done an exceptional job and indeed, the detailing has much to appreciate here.

This is the first feature of Don Scanlon and he has done a pretty good job in making Mike a hero. Look at the climax escapade of Mike and James and I was saying WOW coz that's the kind of thing we go to see in a PIXAR movie. I just loved that and the built up to that was commendable.

Not that this is a prequel to the mighty awesome and the original film called MONSTER's INC, it takes a few characters from that film and creates some new characters. Of all these, new characters I was impressed by the design and the charisma of Dean Hardscrabble. Wow, she's scary and the same time  humane. There was a fine balance in this character specifically and I real liked that.

John Goodman as James Sullivan is 61 and Billy Crystal as Mike is 65 today. They could not have played kids and students in any of the regular films but this being and animated one, they have done more than impressive job. I am going with 3/5 for a good animated film. But only a 3 coz it's from PIXAR and we expect much more each time when it's PIXAR.

Also, please watch it in theatre's coz there is a wonderful short film called The Blue Umbrella before this film. That shows how love can be made amid chaos and even against everything. Simply put, love being made between Blue Umbrella and Red Umbrella.


  1. I loved this film. I also thought it had some great takeaway on team building. I did a separate post on the learning from the film. Have a read and let me know what you have to say

    1. Thanks for the comment Hari, I will read and post my views there.


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I firstly declare here that all the content written in the blog is exclusively written by me and I hold the copyrights of each and everything. Be it a poem or a movie review. Also, the videos or photographs I upload or attach are exclusively owned by me. This declaration is important in a world that seems so worried of piracy. The prime purpose of these blogs is to put my writings and photographs on the net. and well to start with.... I live in my mind, and existence is the attempt to bring my thoughts into physical reality, I celebrate myself, sing myself and I am always happy in my own company.....I am not the best in the world but I strive for excellence and thats what keeps me alive... Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself--Friedrich Nietzsche